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Motivational workshops impact on staff and students

A series of motivational and thought-provoking workshops with guest speaker Jamie Denyer have made a huge impression on students and staff at Gower College Swansea

The workshops aimed to promote positive thoughts and behaviour while encouraging young people to think about the consequences of their actions. One, entitled One Punch Can Kill, focused on the tragic death of Jamie's 19-year old nephew.

Thanks to backing from the Innovation Fund, the workshops were set up for selected students across the college to examine motivation and positive character building techniques.

Jamie himself has built a successful business and family life despite overcoming his tragedy and other major challenges. He firmly believes that no matter what happens to you in life, no matter how negative, you can always get something positive out of it.

The feedback from the students following Jamie's visits was overwhelmingly positive:
“He’s made me think about the way I act in situations and also motivated me to look into a business idea I have.”
“He was very straight and direct but that was a good thing, it got me thinking.”
“It meant something to me when he spoke about character, about getting knocked down by things in life but that you have to pick yourself up and carry on – don’t give up.”
“Jamie has made me think of the legacy I want to leave, so I have made a promise to myself to try reach my goal in life.”

“Jamie had the students' complete and utter attention - you could hear a pin drop," said one lecturer after the workshops had ended. "I have never seen staff and students so engrossed in a guest speaker."