English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
We offer free (subject to eligibility) English classes for people who do not speak English as their first language. Many of our students progress onto college/university courses or into employment.
Classes are offered at the following levels:
Pre-entry (beginner) - part-time
Entry 1 (beginner - A1*) - full-time or part-time
Entry 2 (elementary - A2) - full-time or part-time
Entry 3 (pre-intermediate - B1) - full-time or part-time
Level 1 (intermediate - B2) - full-time or part-time
We also offer ESOL+ courses at Level 1 to help learners progress to a higher-level course at Gower College Swansea. Learners can choose one of 5 ESOL+ subjects, which they will study in addition to their ESOL course. We currently offer ESOL+ in Art, Business, Engineering, Hairdressing and Health & Care.
Level 2 (upper-intermediate - C1) - part-time
*A1, A2, etc. refer to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) for English language levels.
Entry requirements: Interview and initial assessment.

ESOL Skills for life Entry 1 (Entry Level)
Entry Level

ESOL Skills for Life Entry 2 (Entry Level)
Entry Level

ESOL Skills for Life Entry 3 (Entry Level)
Entry Level