Motor Vehicle
Combining design, manufacture and supply chain, the automotive industry is the largest engineering employment sector in the UK.
Career paths
- Mechanic
- Automotive technician
- Fitter
- Breakdown service
Your future guaranteed
We have the following progression opportunities within the College:
Alternatively, you could progress on to university or gain employment within the industry.
Find a Motor Vehicle Course

Advanced Manufacturing Engineering: Motorsport Level 3 - Diploma
Level 3 BTEC Subsidiary Diploma / Diploma

Introduction to Vehicle Systems Maintenance Level 1 - Diploma
Level 1 Diploma

Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Level 1/Level 2 - Diploma
Level 1/2 Diploma

Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Level 3 - Diploma
Level 3 Diploma

Engineering Student of the Year - Ayoob Azhar
Ayoob demonstrates a focus and determination that has seen him credited with Distinctions in every unit he has completed.
With a confirmed UCAS offer of progression to a local university, Ayoob will be an absolute asset to his chosen undergraduate programme of study.