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Higher Education students visit New York

Students from the Foundation Degree in Events Management and Foundation Degree in Sport Development and Management visited New York in February this year.

The College students had four great days in the city, with highlights including visiting the Statue of Liberty, Madison Square Garden, and seeing a live basketball game at the Barclays Centre.

“The aim of the trip was to provide a great experience and give insight into sport and facility management from an international perspective,” says James Prosser, Curriculum Leader for Sports.

A brand new Student Union for Gower College Swansea

Gower College Swansea has a brand new Student Union and - overseeing the smooth running of the organisation – a new full time (sabbatical) SU President, Laimis Lisauskas.

Laimis, who was an engineering student at the College before starting in his new role, will work across all campuses and represent all the College’s students. He will lead on events and initiatives and ensure that students’ opinions are fed back to senior management.