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Engineering students face mock interviews

Level 3 BTEC Engineering students from Gower College Swansea recently attended mock interview sessions with local employers at an event organised by the college's Enterprise Officer Lucy Turtle and Gareth Price from Career Wales.

“The main aims of this event were to prepare students for the world of work and provide advice and guidance on developing their CVs and interviewing skills,” said Lucy.

Among the employers were Tata Steel, Swansea University and the Armed Forces, who all gave structured feedback to the students after their interviews were complete.

“The quality of the students' CVs and interview techniques were outstanding," said Tata Steel's Robert Jenkins. "I'm now organising a follow-up session on apprenticeships within Tata Steel as many of the students will be applying this year.”

Steve Jones, Curriculum Leader for Engineering, was delighted with outcome on the day.

“Students were very pleased with the event and found the interview sessions invaluable," he said. "The feedback from the interviewers was very useful and suggested ways in which they could improve on their interview techniques."