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Silversmithing - Intermediate/Advanced

Level 3
Llwyn y Bryn
10 weeks
Telephone: 01792 284021 (Llwyn y Bryn)


These three, 10 week courses are designed to encourage development of silversmithing techniques and to allow you to build on your existing skills.

  • Course 1: Stone setting techniques such as tube setting, flush setting and making a collet; or, at Advanced level, jewellery with multiple settings. These settings can be used with facetted stones in silver jewellery.
  • Course 2: You will produce jewellery designs in response to Welsh culture, taking inspiration from the Welsh coastline, Welsh language and poetry, or deriving ideas from the Mabinogion. Advanced students may select their own theme, A range of materials and techniques appropriate to your level may be applied to the production of silver jewellery work. 
  • Course 3: This course will cover the use of enamels, forming techniques, riveting and stamping and Advanced raising and forming. Students are expected to be experimental and try out different processes in order to expand their design and making skills, and produce jewellery from designs inspired by their own research.

Key information

There is progression throughout the year, however each Silversmithing course can be independent of the others – basic skills will be taught on each course as needed.

All tools are provided in a well-equipped workshop. Students will need to buy their own silver which is available from

The cost of materials will depend on the individual designs and choice of stones. There will be at least one project to complete on each course.

Studio fee is £10

Course code: ZD161 ELD3
Llwyn y Bryn
10 weeks
6.30 - 8.30pm
Level 2/3